1. 圣母与圣婴,圣杰罗姆和圣约翰远处的风景,威尼斯的景色,一副假浅浮雕putti在玩耍 - 贝尔纳迪诺·迪马里奥托·德洛·斯塔尼奥 高清作品[50%]

The Virgin and Child, a landscape beyond with Saint Jerome and Saint John and a view of Venice, with a feigned bas-relief of putti at play-Bernardino di Mariotto dello Stagno

The Virgin and Child, a landscape beyond with Saint Jerome and Saint John and a view of Venice, with a feigned bas-relief of putti at play-Bernardino-di-Mariotto-dello-Stagno

4. 日落在冬天风景上 - 3825×4615px ✺ 高清作品[44%]

AF-Sunset over a Winter Landscape

图片文件尺寸 : 3825×4615 px

日落在冬天风景上-Sunset over a Winter Landscape-阿布拉姆·埃菲莫维奇·阿尔希波夫

-Sunset over a Winter Landscape, c.1902 (oil on canvas) by Arkhipov, Abram Efimovich (1862-1930) (info.: Coucher de Soleil sur un Paysage d\'Hiver)